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SpaceX and Bigelow Aerospace will join forces in the market of space services

Written By Mody Mohammed Saad on May 11, 2012 | 2:27 AM

companies - SpaceX, which creates the launch vehicles and spacecraft, and Bigelow Aerospace, which intends to create an orbiting space hotel for tourists - have agreed to join efforts in promoting their services on the international market, the report said SpaceX.
SpaceX and Bigelow Aerospace will join forces in the market of space services

The companies intend to "one package" to offer customers flights into orbit aboard the spaceship Dragon, created by SpaceX, and Orbital hotel stay in BA 330, which plans to create a Bigelow Aerospace.

"Together we will provide unique services to States or corporations who wish for a long time have the opportunity to work their employees in Space" - the president of SpaceX Shotvell Gwynn (Gwynne Shotwell).

BA 330 space station will be an inflatable structure with a habitable volume of 330 cubic meters, which can live for up to six people. Bigelow Aerospace plans to join together two or more of the BA 330 module, and provide government agencies, universities and commercial firms to place for experiments in weightlessness.

In 2006 and 2007 by a Russian company with a conversion rocket "Dnepr" put into orbit two prototype inflatable module plant - Genesis I and Genesis II.

The company besides SpaceX Falcon launch vehicles creates spacecraft Dragon. Its cargo version is expected in late May, will make its first flight to the ISS. Manned version will deliver into orbit the crew of up to seven people.

Bigelow Aerospace and SpaceX are going to begin his work with Asia. Representatives of both companies are planning to hold a meeting with officials of the Japanese government soon after the launch of its Falcon 9 launch vehicle and Dragon, scheduled for May 19.
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