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Solar-powered plane finally takes off

Written By Mody Mohammed Saad on May 11, 2012 | 2:26 AM

Solar Impulse - an aircraft that is equipped with solar panels, to make its first flight in May or early June 2012 on the route, Switzerland, Morocco. He is expected to be able to overcome the distance between the two countries in 48 hours.
Solar-powered plane finally takes off

We already know that a unique flight will operate pilots Andre Bertrand Piccard and Borshber. They will have to fly a distance of 2500 km. This flight has become the longest in the history of the aircraft with solar panels. The organizers, however, call it a rehearsal before the world tour, scheduled for later this year.

Solar Impulse - not the first solar-powered airplane, which is designed by man, but certainly he is the most successful. The fact that at any such aircraft is not able to hold 48 hours in the air with the pilot on board.

The length of the wings of this development is 80 meters. It weighs only 2 tons, in contrast to Airbus with a similar length of the wing, which weighed up to 560-ton! Aircraft wings are covered with "skin", which is made up of very thin solar cells encapsulated and flexible to withstand stress and strain.

The energy in lithium batteries housed in the wings, is going for the day. Engine power, which provides energy to the sun for 24-hour period, up to 12 horsepower.
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