Killing of an international nuclear inspector in Iran is working a car accident on Tuesday and injured a colleague, when they were on a mission to see Iran's nuclear facilities, during its movement, "from one location to another." The incident comes less than a week before the resumption of negotiations between Iran and the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna.
She said the IAEA - which periodically inspect Iranian nuclear sites advertised - it's reported that two of its inspectors vulnerable to a car accident in Iran. She said in a statement that one of them, from South Korea killed and the other is from Slovenia were injured. The IAEA confirmed that it is in contact with the Iranian authorities in this regard.
She said the IAEA - which periodically inspect Iranian nuclear sites advertised - it's reported that two of its inspectors vulnerable to a car accident in Iran. She said in a statement that one of them, from South Korea killed and the other is from Slovenia were injured. The IAEA confirmed that it is in contact with the Iranian authorities in this regard.
The news agency Fars news about Iran's Atomic Energy Commission as saying that the inspectors of South Korea Seo Seok Ok and his colleague were in a car Slovenian reactor near Arak (186 km west of Tehran) that a heavy-water at midday local time and that the car skidded and overturned them.
He said Iran's envoy to the International Energy Agency (IAEA) Ali Asghar Soltanieh in Vienna, "I am deeply saddened by the news of the reported deaths of a IAEA inspectors in a car accident during the performance of his mission in Iran."
The agency ISNA news agency that the bowl of the Inspector visited the family of South Korea in Vienna on Tuesday evening. She also stated that the state of the Inspector Slovenian "good", and that will be transferred to the capital Tehran on Wednesday before leaving the country to Austria.
In Seoul, confirmed a spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry and the death of Inspector of South Korea, pointing out that his companion Slovenian Iranian and a driver were taken to the hospital. She added that the inspectors were in Iran for its nuclear facilities, and the incident had occurred when they were passed down "from one location to another."
The incident comes less than a week before the resumption of negotiations between Iran and the IAEA in Vienna. The West suspects Agency (IAEA) that Iran is hiding in the rip of a military nuclear program for civilian nuclear energy, but Tehran denies this.
The Agency (IAEA) high-level visits to Iran earlier this year in the context of answering questions raised by the IAEA report in November on dubious research activities related to nuclear weapons, Iran has rejected the allegations, describing them as fabricated.
The Iranian authorities to allow the IAEA periodic visits to the Arak complex, which includes a heavy-water reactor. Iranian officials say that the complex which was built to generate energy and radioactive isotopes for medical use will begin operation next year.
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