Palit Microsystems has announced the release of its two new graphics cards GeForce GTX 670. One of them is the standard version of GTX 670, using the reference articles set of frequencies and has a standard cooling fan, turbine, and the second - Palit GeForce GTX670 Jetstream - has its own factory overclocking and cooling system from the company Palit.
Reference card provides the frequency of 915 MHz (980 MHz mode GPU Boost) for the core and 3004 MHz (6008 MHz effective) memory. New uses standard enclosure cooling system, with some graphic design from Palit.
The second board has turned out more interesting. New Palit GeForce GTX670 Jetstream was factory overclocked. The graphic processor operates at 1006 MHz (1084 MHz mode GPU Boost), the memory frequency of 3054 MHz was (6108 MHz effective). Responsible for cooling the cooling system Jetstream by Palit, which uses two massive cooler with unusual lopostyami - they are bent in several planes, and have special notches. With this card from Palit has turned into 3 Au quieter and more efficient for 7 degrees of the reference sample. In addition, the cooling system has a blue LED backlight.
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