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LG has released a smartphone LG Optimus LTE2 with two GB of RAM

Written By Mody Mohammed Saad on May 8, 2012 | 11:36 AM

Yesterday's announcement of a new flagship Smartphone Samsung Galaxy S III left a rather mixed feelings. On the one hand, the novelty has very good functionality and an impressive array of interesting features and services, and, on the other hand, the Samsung is clearly not guessed from the design of its flagship, which is not like most people. In addition to this the Koreans failed to achieve so-called "wow-effect", which usually accompanies the popular smart phones, and the future of news is pretty bleak.

But now we talk not about the Samsung Galaxy S III, and about another flagship smartphone the other Korean companies. The fact that almost simultaneously with the Korean Samsung LG introduced its own high-end smartphone LG Optimus LTE 2. And this device seems to us, at least, not less interesting than the Samsung Galaxy S III.

LG Optimus LTE has two nice, but strict design that is equally well suited and youth, and business users. A main feature of the smartphone was twice the amount of RAM - 2 GB.

The LG did not disclose all the features of LG Optimus LTE 2. Therefore, many new features still remain a mystery. But what we know, makes talking about LG Optimus LTE 2 just as the flagship unit.

The smartphone uses «True HD IPS» Display LG's own development as yet unknown diagonal. It is complemented by support for LTE-networks and the battery capacity of 2150 mAh. On the smartphone chipset yet unknown, but sources indicate the presence of the gadget powerful hardware platform Snapdragon S4 MSM8960. But does this new, of course, running Google Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich.

The cost of the smartphone is still unknown, and its appearance on the Korean market is scheduled for the middle of this month.
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