HP introduced another new product in its line ultrabukov. The laptop is HP Envy Spectre XT, is based on the latest processors from Intel Ivy Bridge and offers a 13-inch display with 1366 x 768 pixels.
HP Envy Spectre XT will offer installation of solid state drive up to 256GB, battery, calculated up to 8 hours of battery life, four speakers, ports, USB 3.0, HDMI, and of course, the aluminum casing.
The base model has 4 GB of RAM and SSD storage capacity of 128GB. The exact model of the processor Intel, unfortunately not specified. The company only indicates that it will use the latest in their Ivy Bridge ultrabukah.
Home sales HP Envy Spectre XT in the U.S. will begin on June 8. Cost new is $ 1,000.
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