When in January 2012 appeared the first of the sports bracelet Nike + Fuelband, my colleague Roman Yuryev described in some detail the principle of novelty. Four months later, the bracelet went on sale last week and I was going to fuelbendom on hand to share their impressions of its functionality.
NikeFuel - a kind of sport sunglasses, which is converted by physical activity, whether it be walking, running, dancing, active sports, boxing match, etc. The built-in accelerometer, the bracelet detects when a person exerts his body, and a program developed at Nike and diagrams make it possible to understand exactly how he does it in order to accurately calculate the energy expended and benefit from it.
- St. George's Roman
If you buy this accessory, you'll notice that it comes in three different sizes. When I opened my box, it's very sad, because it lay on the woman's hand strap. However, in the inner compartment was found "medicine" in the form of a spare extension section, which was attached to the bracelet using paper clips.
It also had a power cord for the battery. Stuck in the standard iPhone-charging Nike + Fuelband half an hour was ready to go.
Before putting the bracelet on the arm must be configured using a free utility Nike + Connect, entering your athletic performance. Most of you do not need anything. Just wear a bracelet on her arm, from time to time, look over what he had counted, but as there is time, transfer all the accumulated information to the server Nike +.
If you miss a day and not synchronized Fuelband, then do not worry: The device keeps in mind all of your results, starting a new cycle starting at midnight.
To synchronize the configuration and the Nike + Fuelband simply insert a USB-in computer.
Automatically run proprietary software, and after communicating with the server statistics you can see the story of his sporting achievements both by day and in total.
Having a computer is not necessary, because the synchronizer can be an iPhone with software installed Nike + Fuelband [Free, iTunes link]. In this case, data exchange with the bracelet is via Bluetooth. I have not read the manual, so this method was surprised to discover during the writing of this text :)
Nike + operates on an abstract quantity called Fuel. When conducting an active lifestyle should be every day to reach 2,000 units (the limit can be changed in the Preferences). If you press a single button on the bracelet, it will display the current results in the form of numbers and the status of the color underneath. Upon reaching the goal of Fuel = 2000 is reached.
We can say that this enhancement is very strong motivator for exercise. Earlier in the hall, I was guided by the state of the muscle after exercise (sore - do not hurt), but now I see their works in digital form more understandable. Over time you will start to increase your Fuel, because the record in the 2,000 units would have to call a smile. Nike + Fuelband shows your whole life in the moments when the priest is not in contact with an office chair or sofa.
In addition, Nike + Fuelband shows the number of calories expended, passed the steps and still can act as a stylish watch.
In addition, Nike + Fuelband shows the number of calories expended, passed the steps and still can act as a stylish watch.
- Light weight;
- Ease;
- Do not rub;
- Functionality.
- With it you can not swim in the pool;
- High price. On eBay Nike + Fuelband costs from $ 200. In Russia, the top throw in another $ 130.
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