Despite the huge number of manufacturers of cell phones and constant appearance on the market of new players, the profits are only a few of them. And to be precise, in the last quarter proved to be profitable only three manufacturers of cellular phones.
One of them, according to analysts Asymco, became the Taiwanese company HTC, which belongs to only one percent of the revenue of mobile industry. And Samsung and Apple's got two 99% of all profits of the market - 73% accounted for the company from Cupertino, and 26% - Korean manufacturer.
Other manufacturers, such as in the Asymco called RIM, Nokia, LG, Motorola and Sony Mobile, have failed to offer to its shareholders any good and ended the quarter with a loss.
After the start of sales of Samsung Galaxy S III and rulers smartphones HTC One profitability of the two manufacturers certainly will increase. Especially since Apple does not plan to submit this quarter no major new products. So the results of the companies in the second quarter may be somewhat different, and Apple has the advantage will not seem so overwhelming. Although the latter has always been famous for the ability to profit from their products.
In two years, the profitability of the mobile market has increased from 5.3 to 14.4 billion dollars. And such high profitability attracts the market of new producers who do not take into account the extremely high competition and the fact that most of them voiced the amount accounts for only a few companies, while the vast majority of producers do not bring any profit.
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